Monday, May 5, 2008

Welcome & Introduction

So! Here I am beginning my first, can't believe I'm finally doing this!

I am a big believer in creating luck in one's life, so I've decided to start documenting my process along with my successes and results along the way. You can expect to read my affirmations on a regular basis, where I actively work to charge up my vibrations in the most positive way.

Now, my affirmations might sound a bit silly....maybe even a little "Stuart Smalley-ish". Don't worry, I am completely aware of this, but I'm also willing to just put it out there.

I'm not an expert on this topic. I am just a believer. Sometimes I falter and get in a negative zone, but I try very hard to pull myself out of it as quickly as possible.

So, let me start with my first affirmation:

I am a very lucky person.

Good things happen to me all the time.

Money, prizes, free things and opportunities all just seem to flow my way.

I am the type of person that others describe as “lucky”.

Money is always just flowing into my life.

I am a money magnet.

The universe takes great care of me.

Things just go my way.

I am so lucky!

I never have to worry, because I’m always taken care of.

I am a lucky and fortunate person.

I am so thankful for all that I have and continue to have.

Life is wonderful.

The universe is wonderful.

I am a lucky and blessed person.

Good things are coming my way and I look forward to telling you about them. I hope that by reading this you'll start to experience positive changes in your life as well....and of course, that you'll share them with me!

God Bless and Good Luck!

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